That's the question which the best scientists and doctors in China must answer. |
For a country that is experiencing the greatest economic expansion in the history of mankind, its top priority remains the same: to feed a billion-strong population. |
They are looking for the best in life, not just what they wear, but also in what they eat and how they live. The trend now is to stay fit, to live longer, to enjoy the fruits of development. But where does the good life come from? |
From the food we eat, according to the scientists and doctors. |
A scrutiny of the monks' diet reveals a heavy intake of soya products. The nutritious goodness of soyabean has long been acknowledged, but now, the scientist are able to pinpoint the role it played in keeping the body strong and healthy. What is it that makes Heilongjiang Soya so good? To find that answer, the scientists literally split the beans. In doing so, they made a startling discovery. The skin and embryo are useless and detrimental to health. For people who suffer from gastric and gout, an intake of soya product that contains the skin and embryo will actually worsen the condition. Unfortunately, almost all soya products in the market are made from whole beans, and the inclusion of the skin and embryo has lessen the nutritional value of the product, while making it out-of-bounds to gastric and gout patients. The scientists concluded therefore, to enjoy the true goodness of soyabeans, both the skin and the embryo must be discarded. |
The scientists also discovered that the nutrition from soyabean is volatile. If left standing for over an hour, the nutrition will quickly be lost. To enjoy soya nutrition, soyabean milk must be taken fresh, in other words, not more than an hour after it was prepared. |
To learn more about Heilongjiang Soya, please continue to Heilongjiang Soya Homepage below, or select any of the other links. |
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It's so easy to obtain Heilongjiang Soya! Here's a list of all the outlets where Heilongjiang Soya is available. | |
Email your inquiries and orders to Christie Tye | |
Explore a Business Opportunity with Heilongjiang Soya. | |
Learn about the nutritional value of soyabeans. | |
View the Heilongjiang Soya Gallery. | |
Read about the Soyabean in the July 1987 issue of the National Geographic | |
Milk may not be suitable for you |
The information contained in this website is general and not specific to any individual. It is only for reference and education purposes. Do not self-diagnose or attempt self-treatment for serious or long-term problems without first consulting a qualified practitioner, preferably one who is familiar with soya products and alternative medicine. Heilongjiang Soya is the trade mark of Country Food & Beverages. ©2000 Country Food & Beverages. |